Welcome to Part Three of the ‘Open to Receiving’ Series.

The first part was: “Three things that stop you from receiving.”

The second part was: “Are you willing to receive you? And what’s that got to do with your money flows?”

And today I’m going to talk about “Receive, Receive, Receive!”


What does receiving mean to you?


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I have four things that I’m going to write about today. You probably have already heard about these four things, or perhaps you have heard about only some of these things and not the others. But the way I will be talking about them is a little different.


Number One: What can you receive today that you haven’t even considered? And more than that – who or what can you receive today that you haven’t even considered?

Let us think about all the different things that you can actually receive from, which you haven’t even considered. Can you receive from the earth – the whole planet? Can you receive from the mountains, the lakes, and the oceans? Can you receive from the desert, the grasslands, and all the farms? Can you receive from everything to do with the Earth? Can you receive from the animals, from the birds, from the insects, from the butterflies, and all of that?


When you start contemplating, “What can I receive today that I haven’t even considered?” you will start to receive so many things. Look for evidence!


Can you receive from the elements, which are basically the five elements often talked about in Chinese medicine namely Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water?


Can you receive from the seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Rain?


Can you receive from the months of the year?


Are you willing to receive from the different colors, because every color has a vibration? I appreciate the color of the clothes I am wearing because every time I wear these clothes, my body just feels happy! Are you willing to receive from the fabrics?


Are you willing to receive from all the directions?


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Are you willing to receive from the stars? Are you willing to receive from the planets? Are you willing to receive from the galaxies? Are you willing to receive from the universes? Have you ever acknowledged how much all of this is actually contributing to us? What can you receive today that you haven’t even considered?


Are you willing to receive from the non-physical? Are you willing to receive from the beings of light? Are you willing to receive from your guides? Are you willing to receive from the elementals? Are you willing to receive from all those beings who are in the non-physical and would like to contribute to you? What can you receive today that you haven’t even considered?


Can you receive from your body? Can you receive from every drop of blood in your body? Can you receive from the cells of your body? Can you receive from the organs of your body? Can you receive from everything?


There are so many things around us, yet we live in a Default Mode. The Default Mode is where we don’t even notice what is around us. If you just look around the room you are in and start looking at every object in the room carefully, I bet it would take you at least an hour just to go through them all.


Yes, I will receive from the pot! Yes, I will receive from this photograph! Yes, I will receive from this plant. Yes, I will receive from this blog post! Yes, I will receive from my diary! Yes, I will receive from my pen! Yes, I will receive from this glass of water!


This is the room where I do all my Live Facebook sessions! I do all my tele-calls and all my tele-summits here. There are plants in this room. These plants are actually contributing to me. What can you receive today that you haven’t even considered?


One of the home plays in my program, “Money Follows Joy”, was to connect with Nature. If you cannot go outside and connect with Nature, then connect with one plant in your home. It could be any tiny little plant, which you have. Just sit in front of that plant and contemplate its beauty. When you contemplate the beauty of the plant, you can perceive the energy that the plant gifts you, and you receive that energy. This is something which is happening all the time; we are just not aware of it. What can you receive today that you haven’t even considered?


Number Two: Can you receive more than yesterday?


This is talking to your capacity to receive more than you have ever before. This is where you are actually asking for the capacity to receive – to exponentialize.


Every time you ask yourself: “What can I receive? What would it take for me to receive more than yesterday?” you are exponentializing your capacity to receive. Receiving is the absence of resistance. The more you receive, the more you will be willing to not have resistance in your life. To receive more than yesterday, you should be willing to let go of all resistance and be willing to allow everything you are asking for.


So, can you ask for more joy than yesterday? Can you ask for more happiness than yesterday? Can you ask for more money than you have today? Can you ask for more clients than yesterday? Can you ask for more physical well-being than yesterday? Can you ask for more emotional well-being than yesterday? Can you ask for more in your relationships than yesterday? Can you ask for more awareness, more perception, knowing, being, and receiving than yesterday?


Number Three: Can you out-receive yourself 1,000 fold today?


What this means is that can you exponentialize your capacity to receive 1000 fold? What would it be like to receive 1000 fold today? What I love to do is to be in wonder with these questions!


And then I ask the Universe to show me evidence. Universe, show me how I am receiving more than yesterday. Universe, show me how I am out-receiving 1,000 fold today or maybe the next day or some other day. I will see evidence, or I will see that I am on the way. So the evidence could mean that if you are asking for money, you will find a $1 bill lying on the road. That’s the evidence! But it doesn’t mean that if you were asking for $100 million dollars, you get only a $1 bill. No, it means that you were asking for $100 million dollars, you have now got $1, and what is remaining is $1 less than $100,000,000. So every time you ask for something, the universe rearranges itself to deliver it to you.


This whole thing about receiving is that you are softening your resistance. You are melting your resistance. You are letting go of your resistance. You are allowing everything in, which is nothing but receiving. So, receiving is nothing else but melting and softening all resistance so that you can allow whatever it is that you are asking for.


If you are willing to receive more, if you are willing to soften your resistance, look and you will know it. All you have to do is be willing to soften your resistance. You may not be willing to let go of your resistance directly, because you don’t even know what the resistance is! And, honestly, in this, we are not even looking at the resistance. In fact, what we are looking at is how we can receive more and more and more.


Number Four: What can you receive today beyond the capacities you think you don’t have?


Receiving from beyond the capacities you think you don’t have is all about receiving from and exponentializing your capacity to receive. It is also about claiming, owning, and acknowledging all the capacities that you have because when you claim, own, and acknowledge your capacities, you also exponentialize your receiving.


Play with this question. What can I receive today beyond the capacities I think I don’t have?


When I started playing with this question, I could not even wrap my head around it. I invite you to just be with this question. I invite you to perceive the energies that this question is bringing up. Every time you ask these questions, it is opening up something in your universe. What would it be like for me to receive today beyond the capacities I think I don’t have? That little change in the question, changes its energy. It changes what you are asking for. So play with the different versions of this question and see what actually shows up for you.


If you would like to play more with this capacity of receiving, then come with me to the Alchemy Accelerator where we are going to play with “Open to Receiving – Unplugged” for 21 days.



Day 1 – 3 Things That Stop You From Receiving

Day 2 – Are you receiving you? What’s that got to do with your money flows?

Day 3 – Receive receive receive………….

Join Alchemy Accelerator – https://alchemyaccelerator.com/join/

Wanna know what ALCHEMY ACCELERATOR is?

Alchemy Accelerator is my brand new monthly program that shows people how to activate their inner magic to create EVERYTHING they desire, better than they currently have and GREATER than they could have ever imagined.

This is what you get when you invest in ALCHEMY ACCELERATOR:

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You can get started for less than $1 per day right now (plus get access to Open To Receiving Worth $199)

Here’s to RECEIVING!

Some of the Mini Series in ALCHEMY ACCELERATOR

Money Follows Joy
Peace With Money
Magic Script
Open To REceiving Unplugged
Actualization 101
Magic In Action
Celebration Of YOU
Adventure Of Living
Success Masterclass
Money Masterclass
10 Days of 100 Million
Born To Win
Ageless Body
Ease With Bodies
Ease With Difficult People
Gift Of Allowance
Outcreation 101
Pain Free
Clearing Clutter
Beyond Procrastination
Ease With Change


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