Today I’m going to talk about: “Are you willing to receive you and what does that have to do with money?”


Let us first deconstruct what receiving you is actually. In this post, I am going to talk about three things, but there is so much more to receiving you. As I start talking about these three things, your awareness will open up to other aspects of receiving. Of course, I will be going over all of this in greater detail in my upcoming course called “Open to Receiving”, which is part of the Alchemy Accelerator Membership Program.


Number One: Are you willing to receive the good, the bad, and the ugly of you?


We want to deny the bad and the ugly of us. We resist the bad and the ugly of us. And at the same time we also resist the good of us. We are not willing to look at what is without any judgment. You may have a quality, which you judge about yourself as bad or ugly. It could be your appearance. It could be something that you do that you beat yourself up about. But receiving you in totality means receiving every aspect of you, being aware of every aspect of you, and having no judgment about it.


Receiving the bad and the ugly does not equal self-judgment or negative thinking. Receiving the bad and the ugly means being aware of the bad and the ugly, but without judgment. That is the most important aspect of it. So, if you have a judgment about it, and if you feel guilty about it, you will keep creating that over and over and over again. But if you acknowledge that aspect of it, and you are just aware of that aspect of it, and you have no judgment about it, then that aspect has an invitation to change. It can change if you wish it to be okay.


So, receiving the bad and the ugly of you means acknowledging: “Okay, I have this, this, and this. And it’s totally okay! I’m okay and I love myself in spite of that. And I adore myself in spite of that.”


If you just look at it and have no points of view about it, would you actually be willing to love those aspects of you as well? For example, if that aspect of you is anger, would you be willing to love that angry person? Would you be willing to love yourself when you are angry? And would you be willing to love yourself when you are not angry? Here is the thing – it is being willing to do that. It does not mean that you will actually do that. But what would it be like if I were to love that aspect of me and what would it be like if I were to be in total allowance of that aspect of me?


You are not cutting off that part of you. You are not excluding that part of you. You are merely integrating it into the wholeness of who you are. The moment you start judging that part of you, you are cutting it off, you are fragmenting yourself. But when you are in allowance of that, and when you actually start loving that aspect of you, you start integrating it. You start being the oneness that you truly be.


What I would love for you to do right now is just think of one thing about you that you judge. Would you be willing to let go of that judgment, and would you be willing to receive that part of you? You just have to be willing to receive. It does not mean that you are going to receive it 100% right this moment, but you will actually open yourself up to receiving that. When you open yourself up to receiving that, that part will come up again and again and it will give you that practice. Isn’t that cool? That angry part of me has shown up again. Let me lower my barriers. Let me receive that aspect of me. What would it be like if I were to love that part of me? It starts to transform and it starts to become a part of you again.


Number Two: Are you also willing to receive the good, the greatness, the brilliance, and the phenomenance of you?


How do you receive compliments? How do you receive praise? Do you feel uncomfortable or can you just receive it? Do you bask in it? Do you feel uncomfortable with it? Do you want to jump out of your skin?


Chances are that you are not willing to receive the good of you, the greatness of you. You are not willing to receive the brilliance of you.


We think that we would like to be great and get all those acknowledgements and win those prizes. But in actuality we are not. Think about receiving a big prize or winning a lottery. Does that make you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then you cannot receive it. You have this resistance to receiving it. You have these barriers to receiving it. If you are uncomfortable with anything, you have these barriers to receiving it.


I talk to a lot of people about failure and success. What actually shows up in these conversations is that people are much more willing to fail than they are willing to succeed. Receiving the greatness is harder than receiving the bad and the ugly. So, people are more drawn to receiving the bad and the ugly rather than to receiving the good and the greatness.


There is a famous quote by Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.”


Here are some questions for you to contemplate on:


What would it be like if I were to receive the greatness, the phenomenance, and the brilliance of me? How would that show up?


As you are in contemplation of these questions, the universe gives you the evidence and you will actually start to see it all around you.


Number Three: Are you willing to receive the capacities, the talents, the abilities that you be?


All of us have these phenomenal gifts and talents and abilities and capacities that we are not willing to receive. When I first started hosting tele-summits, I was really technologically challenged. I would sit there frozen in front of my computer, and I just did not know what to do, how to move forward. Technology was like a huge mountain in front of me.


If I am really drawn towards creating tele-summits, what that means is that I have some capacities around it. Am I going to allow something like technology to stop me from creating tele-summits? And even though I was really scared about that, I looked at it and I said: “No, I’m not going to stop that fear from creating tele-summits.” I started to receive all the capacities that I had with technology.


Another example: let us look at kids and studies. They may have some subjects that freak them out. Maybe it is physics, mathematics, chemistry, or a language. I invite them to connect to the capacity that they have with that subject. I ask them to claim, own, and acknowledge that capacity.


What is the one thing that you are really uncomfortable with? Is it driving or being on video or something else? Connect with that, and then ask just this question. I wonder what talents and abilities and capacities I have with this that I am not acknowledging. I now claim, own, and acknowledge all those talents and abilities and capacities.


There is a wonderful question that Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, has shared about creation. “What can I create today beyond the talents and abilities and capacities that I think I don’t have?”


The most important thing here is “think I don’t have”. The talents and abilities and capacities that you have are not from this lifetime. You have had thousands and thousands and thousands of lifetimes on this planet. You have had other lifetimes in other galaxies, and other systems, and you carry those talents and abilities and capacities with you. So, would you be willing to now claim, own, and acknowledge all those talents and abilities? Would you be willing to claim, own, and acknowledge all the talents and abilities that you have hidden in any lifetime or you have from anywhere in the universe? This is called mining your Akash.


Your Akashic Records are the records of all your lifetimes on this planet and on other planets. And it is both the past and the future. Would you be willing to mine your Akash?


What if you could receive beyond what you ever thought was possible or beyond what you ever considered? Are you willing to receive you? And what does that have to do with money? When you start to receive, as you let go of resistance, as you let go of these judgments, you open yourself up. As you receive the bad and the ugly of you, you are letting go of all the judgments of you.


When you fall in love with you, when you start adoring you, you become this magnet and start attracting all the good and the money. The other part of it is receiving your talents and abilities and capacities. What capacities and talents and abilities do you have with money, wealth, riches, gold, silver, and all of that? Would you like to claim, own, and acknowledge all those capacities? Where do you like to play with those capacities? If you look at your life, you actually have been playing with those capacities, like those moments of magic where you have magically created something. Those are the times when you are actually claiming, owning, and acknowledging those capacities. So would you be willing to claim and acknowledge all those magical capacities with money 24 x 7? And I wonder what would it be like if you were willing to reclaim, own, and acknowledge all those magical capacities with money?





Day 1 – 3 Things That Stop You From Receiving

Day 2 – Are you receiving you? What’s that got to do with your money flows?

Day 3 – Receive receive receive………….

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Here’s to RECEIVING!

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