What I Do


I help executives, leaders & entrepreneurs, who struggle with recognizing and shifting their personal upper limits patterns that are holding them back to achieve their highest ratio of satisfaction, productivity, and contribution to time spent by living in their Zone of Genius and the full rainbow of their potential.

If you are human, you have a calling: to take a Big Leap into your genius.

Simply put, Big Leaps allow you to expand your enjoyment of things going well and to find your genius.

Your genius is that activity or way of being that you are uniquely suited to do.

It combines your innate gifts and practiced strengths.

It feels effortless and creative and just plain good. It’s so natural, chances are you don’t even know when you’re doing it.

Here, you live in the full rainbow of your potential and your very presence inspires others.

Our greatest wish for you is to discover what you most love doing — and spend more and more time doing it.

To enjoy the love, abundance, and success it creates. To bring it forth so it serves you and the rest of the world.

The Guiding Principles of My Teachings + Trainings

We love making things simple! Here you’ll find some of our favorite secrets hiding in plain sight. But don’t let their simplicity fool you: these potent observations invite profound shifts.

  • Recognizing and shifting your personal upper-limit patterns—the ways in which you’ve unconsciously learned to stop your expansion into enjoying more love and positive attention every day
  • How to shift from fear reactivity to flow so you can call on your deep resources to participate fully and creatively in life and love
  • Developing your creativity “muscles” with specific practices requiring only 10 minutes a day
  • How to make the Wonder Shift in the midst of conflict, both within yourself and in relationship to others

My Approach

If you’ve ever felt stuck, it’s your genius that’s beckoning.

If you’ve ever wanted to contribute more, your genius is the path.

If you’ve ever enjoyed a flow state, it’s your genius you’re tasting.

You’ve probably glimpsed your genius, even if you don’t live there all of the time. Majestic moments of flow when your creativity spills out with ease and joy. Privileged times when you show up with your fullest, highest self. When you feel most useful and most fulfilled.

What if you could live this way more of the time? All of the time?

This isn’t “soft stuff,” either. If you want a competitive edge in the real world, this is your golden ticket, laddies and lassies. Living in your Zone of Genius produces the highest ratio of satisfaction, productivity, and contribution to time spent.

More good news:

You don’t have to be “a genius” to have a genius.

You don’t need gobs of free time or money to explore it.

You don’t have to be (or become) an entrepreneur.

You don’t even have to feel especially unique, right now.

The first step to living your genius is your attitude. Adopt an approach of lighthearted, cheerful wonder. Explore with an open mind and an open heart. Release your judgments and replace them with curiosity and appreciation.

Ask yourself often:

What is my genius? And how can I bring it forth so it serves me and others simultaneously?

Let the answers come. Celebrate them when they arrive. Share them with the world.

Energy Wise Membership

Freedom From Pain and Suffering

Have Ease and Peace

BE FREE of everything that doesn't work for you, your body, your life, your future, your money, your wealth, or your choices with ease.

💎 11 Days Of Energy Healing 

💎 Two Live Facilitation Calls every month

 💎 5 Days Of Money Transformation Challenge

💎Clear Anything Audio (to clear any resistance and sabotage)

💎Access to the Entire Library Of Energy Wise Calls (50+)

💎Calls from No Judgement Year (24)

💎Calls from Letting Go Year (24)

💎Library of Audio Clearing Loops

💎 Facebook group for daily notifications


Is now the time to BE FREE of everything that is not working for you?

What are you holding onto?

What are you unwilling to let go of?

If you could BE FREE of everything that doesn't work for you, your body, your life, your future, your money, your wealth, or your choices with ease, what would your life BE like?



Rapid Results Sessions

Do you have something you would like to change or achieve in your life in 2024?

Maybe you'd like to...

=> start a business

=> find new love

=> get a new career (or a raise)

=> lose weight

=> get your child(ren) to behave better

=> or something else

No matter what you'd like to change or achieve in 2019, the secrets to success are the same...

#1: Get clear. As specifically as possible, decide what you want. The more clear you are on what you want to have in your life, the more likely you are to achieve it.

#2: Get perspective. Most people don't tell anyone what they want or what they are struggling with and because of that they don't get an outside perspective.

#3: Get support. Very few people (if any) achieve anything great alone. Sports stars have teammates and coaches Be willing to ask the people in your life to support you.

Do you have something SPECIAL, something important for you to change in 2024?

If you want to speed up your success rate, let’s have an initial consultation where we'll work together to...

=> Create a crystal clear vision for ‘ultimate success’ so you know exactly what you want, where you're headed, and what you need to do to make it happen in 2024.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress

=> Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek- once and for all

Book your Rapid Results Consultation 



Money Club

All The Tools You Need To Release The Mental Blocks That Are Preventing You From Receiving Greater Wealth and Cash Flow

💫 7 Days Of Money Healing every month 

💫 One Live Money Call every month

💫 Audio Recordings Of Weekly Radio Shows

💫 5 Days Of Money Transformation Challenge

💫 Amazing Community Of Inspiring Heart Centered Entrepreneurs

💫 Clear Anything Audio (to clear any resistance and sabotage)

💫 Access to the Entire Library Of Money Club Calls (30+)

💫 Library of Audio Clearing Loops

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