Anne Maxwell 2

The Magic of Children: What are they telling us?


Enjoy 4 MP3’s from Anne’s popular teleclass, Keys to Joyful Parenting, as well as an MP3 of clearings from them.

Anne Maxwell

Keys to Joyful Parenting: Tools to facilitate a different way of being with your child:

What if there were simple tools you could use to create the kind of life you would like to have with your child? Are you willing to look beyond where you are now? What if you … and they … could be seen and heard in ways that are so much easier, and, give each of you what you would like to have? What would it be like to see and hear your child in a different way? These calls present several tools you can use to facilitate you not only hearing what your child is trying to say to you but also creating a different way of being with your child.

  • Item #1 : Everything is just an interesting point of view ( a $600 value)

MP3 Download
TeleClass facilitated by Anne Maxwell
Price: $600

This call is about the magic that can be created when you don’t have an opinion or judgment about you or your child, when you can be in a space of allowance, rather than in the polarity of either aligning and agreeing with or resisting and reacting to them. What is it like to be in the presence of someone who doesn’t judge you? Who is in allowance of you? Can you be that space for your child? For you? For your parents and how they raised you?

  • Item #2: Live in 10-second increments : ($150 value)

MP3 Download
With Anne Maxwell
Value: $150

What could you create for you, for your child, for your life and living, if no choice lasted for longer than 10 seconds? This call is all about a tool that can give you a different way of being with choice. If you make a choice, and, it lasts for 10 seconds, and, it isn’t working out for you, you can simply choose again! How does it get any better than that? If this were the last 10 seconds of my life, what would I choose? It’s a wonderful tool to use to get out of the space of total aggravation at you and at your child! This tool can open to door to so many more possibilities for you and for those around you.

  • Item #3 : Live as the question (not as the answer) ( a $150 value)

What would it be like to live in the question, rather than searching for the right answer, and not the wrong answer? What if a question is not a statement with a question mark attached to the end of it? What if, by living as the question, you actually are the question? What if you know way more about what works for you and for your child than any of the experts do? The more you ask questions, the more aware you become of what you actually do know and of the possibilities you have. Remember, a question empowers; an answer disempowers.

  • Item #4 : No form, no structure, no significance : ($150 value)

MP3 Download
With Anne Maxwell
Value: $150


Were you taught to believe that in order to be a good parent, you have to do certain things a certain way …? What if when you give your parenting or your relationship with your child form structure and significance, you eliminate your capacity to change? This call is about living and parenting and being from the perspective of no form, no structure, no significance. What if instead of constantly judging whether things are right or wrong, you could ask yourself: “How’s this working for me, for us? This call looks at all of that, and more!
    • Item #5 :   Written questions, in pdf format ( $37 value)


These are questions you can ask yourself and/or your child. They are designed to shift the energy of whatever it is blocking either or both of you from having ease and joy together.
    • Item #6 :   Audio clearings and processes – MP3 ( $37 value)


These are some clearings you can play on a loop at night. They are designed to shift your point of view about your children and parenting and you, so that you can have greater ease and joy. They can give you the awareness you require to choose something different. There are two that use the word “stupidity” in them. In these clearings, stupidity does not mean dumb or unintelligent. Stupidity applies to anytime you cut yourself off from your awareness.
    • Item #7 : Bonus –  Infinite being – expansion exercise ( $37 value)


What if you are truly an infinite being?
I am giving you this free gift so that you can tap instantly into the space of infinite being. Anytime you feel constricted or stuck or solid or dense, you can do this exercise to choose the space of infinite being – the space of being oneness, of including everything and judging nothing.
  • That’s a total value of $850, offered at $97!


$850 Only for $97

  • Yes, Nilofer! I want permanent access to Anne’s package at the value price.





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