This weekend I attended an absolutely amazing seminar. We were truly blessed to have in our midst Amiyo and Chetan from France who are Facilitators of Gurudjieff Dances.

For me meditation has always meant sitting down with my eyes closed and being in silence, stilling the mind. So this was a remarkable experience to actually have my eyes open and actually move my body around to achieve this meditative stillness.

As I look back I realise that I have been doing that already when I teach Yoga. I have people observe me demonstrate the pose, and then close their eyes and put their attention within their body, observing the sensations in their body and their breath as they remain in the pose.

It was interesting to note the same philosophy in practise during the workshop. The only difference was to be aware of different body parts and the breath as we were practising the different dances.

At the end of 2 days I was absolutely exhausted physically but my mind was more tranquil than ever before. I have been contemplating the two days and integrating all that I have learnt. My heart yearns to be a part of a longer workshop.

The two videos above are just 2 of the dances that we practised over the weekend. Watch the videos, and watch yourself. Just watching them can put you in such a deep meditative trance. And then imagine what practising these can do for you.

I would love to hear your comments.

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