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I am learning. I can say that I am a Universal Learner. I think that I will only stop learning when I am 6 feet under. So what am I learning now? I am learning to do my Blog and Website. Well if you know me, you would find it quite amazing. I am the most non techie person that you could ever find. I don’t even know how to use my mobile phone most of the time. My son who is 10 yrs old has to coach me often 🙂

Now I have been wanting a Great Website for quite a while now. I spent many hours and months working on the content to put up. It took a while to get it done. Then I wanted to put it up on the website. And I hit my first block there. The people who were to help me, just could not find time in their busy lives to do it. I waited ages and ages. Now I don’t blame anyone, I understand how busy life can be. So I finally decided to do it on my own. Well at least I had the intent. But now I am actually doing a course, a fabulous course, a part of which is on doing your website/ Blog. I am thrilled!

I have been watching the Video Tutorials and following along. On the whole, I think I am doing quite well. All that you see here and on  has been done by me. A pat on the back 🙂

 But ever so often, and this is quite often, I hit a glitch, a huge glitch. I follow the instructions to a T to set something up, and it just wont work. No matter how many times I go back and repeat it , nothing, zilch. My computer, website, my blog appear to be like aliens to me. Not just any alien a really really scary alien with 10 head and huge monstrous bloodshot eyes and fangs and tentacles and everything. And I feel this huge fear building from deep inside me. I just want to run away, to hide, to put my head under the sand.

Well one thing I have learnt about all these monster, and I have faced quite a few, is that they don’t go away. No matter how fast you run or how long you run, they are right behind you. Ready to sneak in when you are unaware. The only thing to do is to turn around and look them in the eye. And when you can find the courage to do that, something quite amazing happens. These huge monsters just shrivel in front of you and bite the dust. They are like paper tigers.

Now its all very well for me to say that. But what do you do when that monster is lurking all around you. Well here is a tip for you. Use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). As you feel the fear spiking start tapping on the meridian points. Very simple. As you start tapping, you will find the fear receding. Keep tapping until all the fear is gone. I find that once the fear is gone, then I am able to see things that were there all the time. It was almost like the fear was blocking me.

Just to use an example, my big concern was to set up the Opt In box that you see here. Well I had a video of how to do that. The first time I sat down to watch the video, it seemed like Greek and Latin to me. But being quite determined, I still attempted to do it. I gave up in the end. The next day I still could not figure it out.  Now I started feeling overwhelmed. I started finding excuses not to go to the computer again. I started feeling sick in my stomach. Thats when it dawned on me that I was suffering from a really bad case of Techniitis (Techie Jeepers). So off I went to work on myself. Started watching the videos again, only this time I was tapping on myself as I watched the video. So as the fear spiked I was tapping it out. That was last night. Today I woke up early in the morning, sat at my computer and voila! Almost like magic I do all the tasks and I have the Opt In box set up. Another pat on the Back:)

If you don’t know how to do EFT, don’t worry. I will be posting a small picture very soon of all the points you need to tap along with a tutorial. Remember I am tech challenged. Well I haven’t figured this one out yet. As soon as I am able to, I will do it. But if you want it in a real hurry, just send me an email and I will send it to you 🙂

You may want to check out my post on a different blog about my fear of water and how I got over it. Its at

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