The Value Of You

How do you define the value of you? The way you define the value of you has a deep rooted consequence in how you show up in the world. The Lies Of Value Most people come to a value of themselves based on the following- 1. What You Do Is the value of you linked to what...

Vulnerability and Art

Vulnerability is a big thing. I really work with it very consciously when I’m creating or when I’m performing, and it’s true. If you choose that consciously, things can shift and become more ease and fun. Artists often say “This piece is my baby! I have to show it to...

Are you making choices?

What choice are you making that is creating this and what else can you choose. Join me as I interview 27 Access Consciousness Facilitators, including Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness in a 63 day Access Choice-a-thon. Register here –...

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