Have you ever had the experience of getting an unexpected bonus or increment and later on in the month you also have an unexpected expenditure for almost the same amount of money, maybe house repairs or a medical bill or something else? Is that a coincidence or something else?

In this article I would like to share with you how your mindset affects your money flows and how you can change your mindset to receive more money.

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Every thought you think creates your life. What kinds of thoughts do you have about money? Please read the following statements and see which of them are true for you –

I have to work hard for money – Is this really true? If it were true, the laborer who does the most amount of work would have the most amount of money.

Money doesn’t grow on trees – Most people believe that it is not easy to get money. It could not be as easy to get money as if it were growing on trees. Is this really true? Do you know at least one person for whom it is very easy to get money, almost without doing any work? If it is possible for them, why not for you?

Money is the root of all evil – Is money the root of all evil or is the greed for money the cause of a lot of angst in life?

Rich people are dishonest – Look at all the rich people you know. Are all of them really dishonest? The truth of the matter is that some people are dishonest, regardless of whether they are rich or not. And people are also honest independent of how much money they have.

Having money is greedy – Does having money truly make you greedy? Or is the opposite true?

Having money makes you evil – Will having money make you evil? If that were the case all people who have money would be evil. If you look around you, the media is filled with stories of individuals who donate millions and billions of dollars to doing good in society.

Having money stops you from being happy – Happiness is just a choice. It is not an effect of the amount of money you have. You can be happy when you don’t have money. You can also be happy when you do have money.

Some more-
I can’t have money and free time
I don’t deserve money.
I don’t have enough money.
I don’t know what I’d do, if I had money.
If I’m successful, my friends will be jealous and stop liking me.
I’m no better than my parents, so I shouldn’t make
more than they did.
Money is not spiritual.
There is a limit to how much you can earn.
Money management is too complicated.

Are you starting to see just how insane your points of view about money are? These beliefs and thoughts about money are all around you. They are very insidious. These are things you have heard from your parents, from your loved ones, these are conversations that people are having all around you all the time. You are bombarded with these 24/7. Pretty soon they become a fabric of your reality and start shaping your reality.

You believe that if you were to just get that extra qualification, you would get that dream job or that increment or that bonus. All those are external factors and you will sabotage those if you hold any of the limiting beliefs in place.

Most people also have a ceiling on receiving money. They can only receive a certain amount of money. If they receive more than that, they will create an unexpected expenditure which will take away the extra money they got.

Are you starting to see how your inner landscape shapes your money flows? So how do you change this?

1. Identify The Beliefs That Are Creating The Lack Of Money In Your life

It is important to realize that you have beliefs that are limiting your money flows.

A question you can ask is – What points of view do I have that are creating the lack of money in my life?

Or if you would like to have a certain amount of money you can ask – What points of view do I have that are stopping me from receiving X amount of money?

What points of view do I have that are stopping me from receiving X amount of money per month?

2. Is it really true?

Look at each limiting belief you have about money and ask this question –

Is it really true?
If it were not true what would it be?


Is it really true that there is a limit to how much I can earn?


Is it really true that there is a limit?

In this job it is true.

If I were in a different job it won’t be true.

Mr X in Company Y who has the same position as I do definitely earns more than me.

So its not really true that there is a limit to how much I can earn.

3. Every point of view is just an interesting point of view

When you don’t align and agree or resist and react to a point of view, it becomes an interesting point of view. You don’t judge it any more. It will no longer affect you.

You can take each point of view you have about money and do interesting point of view about it.


Interesting point of view I have this point of view that I’m no better than my parents, so I shouldn’t make more than they did.

Interesting point of view I have this point of view that I’m no better than my parents, so I shouldn’t make more than they did.

Interesting point of view I have this point of view that I’m no better than my parents, so I shouldn’t make more than they did.

Keep repeating this till this point of view is no longer true for you. Take each point of view you have with money and do this exercise with it.

4. Ask for more money to show up

Use questions to ask for more money to show up. Some of my favourite ones are-

What would it take for X amount of money to show up with total ease?
What can I be or do different today to have more money right away?

What can I add to my life today to have more money show up right away?

What would it take to have multiple streams of income with total ease?

What would it take to make money as I sleep?

What would it take to have never enough money and more money than I can ever spend?

Change your mindset! Change your money flows!!!!

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