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Can you recall a time where things flowed effortlessly, as of by magic?

What if every day you asked for more of THAT to show up in your life?

What if every day could be magical?

Magic is about the fun of having the things you desire.

The real magic is the ability to have the joy that’s possible, the joy that can be created, the joy that life can be. If you can bring that energy consciously into your life every day, what else might be possible? I guess you’ll have to find out.

The 9 Magical Abilities – The 9 Trannies

The 9 trannies are the source for changing anything in your life and reality. It is what LIVING is truly about.

How many of you have entrained yourself to the physics of this reality? What if you didn’t have to do that anymore? When you are willing to be the 9 trannies, you are functioning in a totally different reality. Things happen as if by magic – everyday…

You’ve all read about people using them. Those are the stories we love the most … when people choose to function beyond this reality. And you’ve all used them – in emergency situations.

The granny who could move the car under which her grandson was trapped…………things which disappear and appear around you………

What if you used the 9 trannies for the joy of it? What would be possible then? What it was just fine for you to be magic everyday? Would anybody notice? No – because it doesn’t fit their reality!

What if you decided that every moment of your life was an emergency? Because it is… If you don’t emerge, nothing is going to happen.

Is it time to emerge?  Judgments, expectations, separations and rejections  stop us from being the 9 trannies all the time.

What are the 9 trannies?

Transformation is the ability to change anything from what it is now into something different.

Transmigration is the ability to move from one location to another without a car, plane, train, or bus – migrating across space.

Transfiguration is the ability to morph something from what it appears to be into something different.

Transsexualness is the ability to change the sexual energy of any moment or anything at will. It means you don’t function from your sexuality as the source of your reality. (Sexuality always requires judgment.)

Transpiration is the ability to change something that is going to transpire in the future and change it into something that doesn’t have to be, so something else can occur.

Transmutation is the ability to change something from what it currently is into something you would like it to be. It is a mutation from what it is into something greater.

Translocation is moving something from one location to another.

Transliteration is about talking in any language and understanding all languages.

Transmogrification is shifting what you look like into something different. You could for example switch your shape from being a man to a woman.

This 1-day class is an invitation to go beyond anything you’ve ever looked at before. Would you be willing to be the magic you truly be? Is now the time?

I would like to invite you to go beyond anything you’ve ever looked at before. The 1-day Magic Body Process class.

In this class we will run 2 Hands On Body Processes that will unlock you from the limitations and energies that stop you from functioning as the Magic you truly be and open you up to functioning as the 9 Trannies.

Magic Body Process Dubai – May 24 – http://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=3206

 Other Classes – 

Anti Ageing Facelift Abu Dhabi – May 18 – http://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=32067

Access Bars Dubai – May 17 – http://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=32196


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