Yesterday I was among a group of people who participated in The Celestial Project.

It was at Synara’s Place, Abu Dhabi, UAE. It was an amazing one and a half hour of meditation, clearing and healing.

If you feel guided, I highly recommend that you participate. You can join Synara ( or do it in your own home. Read on to find out more.

An Invitation


 Blessings dear hearts,

The Celestial Project’s upcoming linkups for the first level of collective karma clearings have been scheduled for December 12th for Washington D.C, December 18th for British Columbia and January 21st for Ottawa, Ontario/Quebec.

Please join us if you love working with the Family of Light in high frequency connection for world service, transmission, and wish to assist your own family, community and the world with your special energy.

You will receive a deep personal healing also if you linkup for these karmic clearings.

Your soul, if guided by your Presence to join many others world wide in the linkup, will be filled with a very potent frequency of love and light which will expand you deeply, clear aspects of your own karma, as well anchor a pillar in your community or home and into the crystal grids of the Earth for the raising of the consciousness within your home and community.

The one hour you spend in linkup will ignite your chakras to receive a new level of divine connection.

As you begin the linkup, a chamber of divine love and light will anchor around you and you will be lifted into the Universal Angelic Gateway to be in a higher state of divine connection so you may transmit your love, prayers and offer your puzzle piece or special gifts in support of the clearing of the collective karma of the city that is being focused and within your own community.

This project is a world service project birthed by a group of emissaries within the Divine University Project and Academy of Energy Science and Consciousness within Australia.

The project began in September 2009 and is at stage one presently, and focused on the clearing of the Northern American grids of our Earth so balance in all portals and grids can take place for the ascension of the Earth and all souls.

It is a 3-4 year project which will support all souls to receive karmic clearing and prepare for the divine shift in consciousness in 2012-2013 when the planetary and galactic portals will be in the new alignment for ascension and awakening and a potential shift for all on Earth into the fifth dimension.

 If you are called to contribute and wish to participate and be a transmitter to the specific city that is the focus of each linkup and your community, please join us on the following dates and at the following times through saying the prayer below and then attuning to the linkup meditation below the prayer.
It will be of  deep personal benefit, as well as support for peace on Earth.
 Sri’ama Qala Phoenix 2009
PS- To read the details and how you can participate, click on Celestial Project on your right.

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